Carrd is a platform for building simple, responsive, one-page sites for pretty much anything, whether it's a personal profile, a portfolio, a landing page with a signup form or something a bit more elaborate. It's fast, flexible, simple to use and totally free. The possible uses of Carrd are limited only by the imagination, and the site is very easy to use.
There are myriad uses for small websites. Carrd suggests a handful of website types; tey include:
Profile — Good for making a personal information page to tell others about yourself, likely to market yourself to employers or collaborators.
Landing — For things like products, services, apps, and the like. Landing pages make it easy to explain what something is, how it works, and where to get it.
Forms — Good for businesses interacting with current or potential customers. Forms can do things like collect emails, conduct surveys, etc.
Portfolio — Sort of like a profile, but specifically for visual artists, as it's meant to show off art and graphics.
Sectioned — These Carrds are different from the other categories. They're like a halfway point between a one-page website and a site with multiple pages. They're still one page, but they're sectioned off into different categories — perfect for people looking to disseminate information on a topic, especially a complex one.
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A one-page website is exactly what it sounds like—a website that contains only one page with whatever information you might need on it. One-page websites are becoming increasingly common in the digital realm, as they are easier for users to navigate and more appealing to the eye than traditional website layouts.
If you need to make a personal profile, a portfolio, or a landing page, then a one-page site is the perfect solution for expressing yourself. And Carrd is an ideal solution.
The service is free, with a more expansive set of options available if you choose to pay for the Pro version. Everything you need to get started is available without this subscription, however.