is an online markdown editor that is utilized by the top-leading web content writers, making them easily write or edit their files in real-time and upload them to many cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, and many others.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting and allows you to easily combine text, images, links, code snippets, and more into a single article.
The key features of this platform include writing up to six types of header, the ability to center or right aligned the text, special headers for images, and others.
Edit code: an optional edit code can be set. It can be used to edit, delete or rename the entry later. If no edit code was set, a random edit code will be generated automatically.
The generated edit code will be shown to you only once, so please remember or save it. You can share this code with anyone so that a group of people can edit the same post.
Markdown pastebin and publishing service with preview, custom urls and editing. Fast, simple and free.

Open Rentry URL ยป
Verified URL:
Optional url can be set. It goes If no url was set then random url will be generated automatically.
Edit code
Optional edit code can be set. It can be used to edit, delete or rename the entry later. You can share this code with anyone so a group of people can edit the same entry. Without this code you have no control over your entry, so remember it or save it.
Currents limits are:
- 200000 characters for text field.
- 2-100 characters for custom url field. Must contain only latin letters, numbers, underscores or hyphens.
- 1-100 characters for custom edit code field. Anything is allowed here.
Some sort of rules
Don't spam, don't abuse, don't break the law. That's pretty much it.
Your entries will be kept forever. Unless they break the rules, in which case they might get deleted. Or unless you delete them yourself.
Are updated every 10 minutes.
Forgot my edit code, wat do?
Create a new entry instead? Do a custom edit code so you won't forget it? There is no way to recover or reset your edit code, because there is no way for me to confirm that you are the original author of the entry and not some imposter. You know, anonymity and all that.